Mademoiselle sur la peau des amazones du Rugby Club !

Mademoiselle on the skin of the Rugby Club amazons!

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We are so proud to be the sponsor of the Paris Olympic Rugby Club, and to be committed to sporting Girl Power, self-confidence and the variety of identities. 

Knees on the ground and hearts in the air? 🏉

Let's introduce our beloved team with a little educational flashback

Paris Olympic Rugby Club (PorC) was created in 1986 by students from the Grandes Ecoles in the Latin Quarter, in particular the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris, and the Ecole Normale Supérieure. The club played women's rugby in the university setting for more than 20 years. In the spring of 2013, the FFR section was created (in the Federal XV championship) and the fearsome Gorettes play XV under the label "SCUF-PORC deal". 

This year they participate in the Federal XV championship, are in pool 2 and will mainly face teams from the north of France! Good luck to them.

It was in the context of a match shared in February with the entire women's team of the Club, that we achieved this incredible shoot, where the emotion of the players is contagious, so beautiful and on edge. Look how they feel in their place, essential.

We hope to support every game of the team. Being there, every time, present on a winning jersey - because participating - outstanding supporters a bit insistent, partner brand mobilized and proud.   make each success a symbolic step forward. 

Support them too by relaying our #entremeufs campaign! Let's deconstruct together the fixed representations around sport, sports bodies and performance. Let's make every scored try a step forward. 

And you, what sport have you never dared to try? And above all, why? Remember, we are also who we will become. 


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