Eveil des sens - la parole à Davie, musicien

Awakening of the senses - the word to Davie, musician

La green attitude Reading Awakening of the senses - the word to Davie, musician 2 minutes Next Collaboration Saint Valentin

Live test by Davie, musician of our beloved geranium soap!

Each month, we meet noble artists and craftsmen, who have agreed to share their olfactory sensations with us by smelling our geranium soap.

After the Chef restaurateur Amar, the engineer-oenologist Pierre, the freelance photographer Laurie and the florist Annabelle, let's hear from Davie, musician.

We let you discover what his feedback was...

What emotion, closing your eyes, does the smell of our geranium soap evoke in you?

The smell is that of the gardens of my childhood or those of Sunday mornings when we linger in the bathroom.

If this soap was music?

This soap would be a Mozart score, the Cherubin aria from the Marriage of Figaro for its freshness and apparent simplicity. Something that enters the brain and will never come out again.

How important is the sense of smell in your job?

Playing a metallic instrument, I don't have a relationship with the smells that a musician playing a stringed instrument might have: wood, varnish, rosin. But I appreciate the smell of the acid papers of old scores and the perfume of concert halls that have survived the centuries.

Is offering a soap to a woman definitely a "do" or definitely a "don't"?

Provided you know her well and that she does not welcome the gift as a derogatory remark on her hygiene, it would be a C major! 


Many thanks to Davie!

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