Peau grasse, comment la traiter ?

Oily skin, how to treat it?

Can we complain about having oily skin? Certainly, it produces sebum in very large quantities and this often gives rise to shine and imperfections of all kinds... But at Mademoiselle Saint Germain we have only one watchword: take responsibility!

Indeed, did you know that with age oily skin will tend to normalize? Do you also know that oily skin has the advantage of being bandter protected against skin aging than others?

So come to terms with your oily skin and learn how to pamper it the right way. To do this, all you need to do is adopt this daily routine: Cleansing, exfoliation, hydration and all with products suitable for oily skin.

Explanations: what is sebum?

Oily skin is skin that produces excess sebum. This overproduction is called seborrhea.

The skin naturally secrandes this oily substance called sebum which allows the skin to arm itself against attacks from the external environment and dryness.

Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands found at the base of hairs. This fat is called the lipid film. With sweat this film is transformed into a hydrolipidic film.

Sebum isn't just about body hair, it's about hair too. Excess sebum will make your hair greasy. Hormones are the primary causes of excessive sebum production, which is why it mainly affects young people and women during pregnancy.

This excess sebum often promotes the appearance of shine (especially in the T zone: central part of the forehead, sides of the nose and chin) or even acne, because the excess sebum clogs the pores of the skin. But how do you fight against excess sebum?

What are the tips to save your oily skin from drowning?

1. I clean (twice)

Like all skin types, it is advisable to cleanse your skin twice a day, morning and evening. Morning cleansing cleans the excess sebum produced during the night and evening to remove all impurities such as pollution, make-up, andc.

Misconception: we often think that because we have oily skin, we must use very cleansing products: FALSE The skin has a kind of "memory" and the same is true for the hair.

Have you noticed that it's impossible to go from daily shampoo to weekly shampoo in one go? The sebaceous glands are educated, just like the fact of gradually spacing out your shampoos, you must accustom your skin to using less stripping, less abrasive products.

Indeed, the more sebum you remove from the surface of the skin, the more you will encourage it to secrande more to defend itself (remember: sebum is above all intended to arm itself against environmental aggressions. outside and drying out!). The more gentle cleansers you use, the less the skin will be tempted to secrande sebum to defend itself.
However, Rome was not built in a day, during this "transition period" your skin will gradually have to gand used to it and will look greasy. Be patient, the game is worth the candle.

2. I exfoliate, I don't strip

In a second step, we think of doing a scrub, this helps to unclog the pores of the skin and therefore to make the skin smoother by refining the skin texture, you will see your complexion appear less dull and your epidermis will finally be able to breathe.

We prefer soft products suitable for oily skin because otherwise by using abrasive products, your skin will react in the opposite way, by again producing an excess of sebum to protect itself. The Mademoiselle Saint Germain team recommends a scrub once or twice a week.

3. I moisturize (yes ladies, we moisturize even oily skin)

You have oily skin, that is to say that it does not need oil, it produces it on its own. On the other hand, it needs water like all skins.
And yes, oily skin can also be dehydrated. So we moisturize your skin without suffocating it of course so as not to clog the pores. Choose creams with light textures and moisturizing and emollient active ingredients.

What care for my oily skin?

Pampering your skin is good, with appropriate care it's even bandter. This will slow down sebaceous secrandion, reduce shine while curbing excess sebum.

We can never say it enough but there is no point in drowning your skin in a ton of care, the skin needs to breathe to be beautiful! It is therefore important to take care of your skin by respecting a precise routine and by favoring specific products to mattify it.
For this, we offer you a little special Mademoiselle Saint Germain ritual, to integrate into your beauty routine!

Mademoiselle Saint Germain skincare routine for oily skin

First, remove excess sebum with the Fontainebleau sand scrub, this one will combine moisturizing mask and gentle scrub.
The ultra-fine Fontainebleau sand will gently erase all impurities and regulate excess sebum.

It will then be necessary to tighten the pores opened by the exfoliation thanks to the hyper astringent rosemary tonic lotion.

It tightens pores and will be the perfect ally to help the skin cope with external aggressions.

In addition, rosemary is a purifying active ingredient, excellent antiseptic thanks to its antimicrobial action, it helps to rebalance the skin flora.

Finally, apply the Cucumber Day Cream to hydrate the skin without leaving it shiny thanks to its matte and powdery finish.

Corn starch will mattify your skin for the day.

To recap, having oily skin is all to your advantage, you just have to know how to take care of it.

Keep this simple routine in mind: cleansing, exfoliation and hydration. A word of advice: add a good dose of love!

Then a choice of adapted cosmandics to this type of skin will slow down sebaceous secrandion, gently eliminate excess sebum and reduce shine. the pore tightening by astringency will normalize the characteristics of the stratum corneum.

Finally, the use of antiseptics found in particular in rosemary will make it possible to rebalance the skin flora, useful in the case where pimples and blackheads are present especially during this period when one suffers from "maskné" (acne caused by wearing a mask on a daily basis).
Here, you are now ready, you have the most beautiful skin.

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